April – West Africa: Children’s Lifeline / Lighthouse Medical Missions
Dr. Robert Hamilton of Pacific Ocean Pediatrics and Dr. Kevin White of Surfside Pediatrics, in conjunction with CLI, traveled to 3 West African nations to bring clinical care to some truly underserved regions. In Benin they treated approximately 400 adults and 350 children; in Burkina Faso, 730 adults and 520 children; and in Sierra Leone they treated over 800 adults and 600 children. They gave basic medical and clinical care to many who had never seen a doctor or who have only had access to very limited healthcare. They treated everything from skin rashes, colds and infections to water borne diseases. It is truly amazing that within a two week period they were able to bring relief and positively affect so many lives. Our hope in future missions is to be able to help bring potable water to these regions to help eradicate some of these conditions altogether through our Water for Africa project.