
Cambodia Cardiac Mission

July 22, 2022

Date(s) - 07/22/2022 - 08/06/2022
All Day

Chenla Children's Healthcare


Dr. Paul Grossfeld of Rady Children’s Hospital San Diego / UCSD and his wife Susan Grossfeld will lead the first Children’s Lifeline mission to Kratie and Mondulkiri where no pediatric subspecialty care exists and no other comparable services are available. Patients and their families are forced to make arduous journeys to receive the life- saving care they need and deserve.

Having fulfilled one of Children’s Lifeline primary objectives, the pediatric cardiology team from San Diego successfully conferred life-saving surgical techniques and post-operative care to the outstanding physicians and staff at Angkor Hospital for Children in Siem Reap, Cambodia. The focus now turns towards the remote eastern Cambodia provinces affected by extreme poverty and disease and where the health statistics lag far behind other regions in the country.